Doctor Fibes DELVersion 1.00 June 6, 2013; Copyright © by Duncan Long. Noncommercial use only. For commerical use, contact for information and pricing. Typeface created by Duncan Long Art Studio, creators of quality illustrations, artwork, and graph字形图 前往字体下载页面
该字体一共有192个字形图,免费字体网仅展示前 150 个简单字形图
拖动滑块调整大小 :

0 .notdef
1 .null
2 CR
3   space
4 ! exclam
5 " quotedbl
6 # numbersign
7 $ dollar
8 % percent
9 & ampersand
10 ' quotesingle
11 ( parenleft
12 ) parenright
13 * asterisk
14 + plus
15 , comma
16 ­ hyphen
17 . period
18 / slash
19 0 zero
20 1 one
21 2 two
22 3 three
23 4 four
24 5 five
25 6 six
26 7 seven
27 8 eight
28 9 nine
29 : colon
30 ; semicolon
31 < less
32 = equal
33 > greater
34 ? question
35 @ at
36 A A
37 B B
38 C C
39 D D
40 E E
41 F F
42 G G
43 H H
44 I I
45 J J
46 K K
47 L L
48 M M
49 N N
50 O O
51 P P
52 Q Q
53 R R
54 S S
55 T T
56 U U
57 V V
58 W W
59 X X
60 Y Y
61 Z Z
62 [ bracketleft
63 \ backslash
64 ] bracketright
65 ^ asciicircum
66 _ underscore
67 ` grave
68 a a
69 b b
70 c c
71 d d
72 e e
73 f f
74 g g
75 h h
76 i i
77 j j
78 k k
79 l l
80 m m
81 n n
82 o o
83 p p
84 q q
85 r r
86 s s
87 t t
88 u u
89 v v
90 w w
91 x x
92 y y
93 z z
94 { braceleft
95 | bar
96 } braceright
97 ~ asciitilde
98 ¡ exclamdown
99 ¦ brokenbar
100 © copyright
101 ® registered
102 ¯ macron
103 ° degree
104 ± plusminus
105 ´ acute
106 µ mu
107 periodcentered
108 ¸ cedilla
109 ¿ questiondown
110 À Agrave
111 Á Aacute
112 Â Acircumflex
113 Ã Atilde
114 Ä Adieresis
115 Å Aring
116 Æ AE
117 Ç Ccedilla
118 È Egrave
119 É Eacute
120 Ê Ecircumflex
121 Ë Edieresis
122 Ì Igrave
123 Í Iacute
124 Î Icircumflex
125 Ï Idieresis
126 Ð Eth
127 Ñ Ntilde
128 Ò Ograve
129 Ó Oacute
130 Ô Ocircumflex
131 Õ Otilde
132 Ö Odieresis
133 × multiply
134 Ø Oslash
135 Ù Ugrave
136 Ú Uacute
137 Û Ucircumflex
138 Ü Udieresis
139 Ý Yacute
140 Þ Thorn
141 ß germandbls
142 à agrave
143 á aacute
144 â acircumflex
145 ã atilde
146 ä adieresis
147 å aring
148 æ ae
149 ç ccedilla